rx - how to get a cloak

A cloak is a custom virtual host that replaces your current host or IP address shown in join/part/quit messages and in /WHOIS. For example, someone@10-10-32-1.res.dsl.example.com might appear as someone@someone.netuser.irc.andrewyu.org.

The Atheme database got dumped so you can't use HostServ now. Just ask staff.

Getting a user cloak

User cloaks are in the form (your account name).netuser.irc.andrewyu.org and it is assumed that you have already registered your nickname.
To get a user cloak, simply send the following:

/MSG HostServ TAKE $account.netuser.irc.andrewyu.org

Note: Don't substitute $account. Services will automatically substitute it with your account name.

(Not) Protecting your identity

While cloaks may look nicer than raw hostmasks/IP addresses, they're not meant to be used for protecting your identity. Cloaks will replace your IP/host when connected, but there are a few exceptions:

If these exceptions are fine, you may use cloaks. Else, you shouldn't connect to the internet from this IP in the first place.
If you wish to protect your identity, connect from Tor instead.

Different kinds of cloak

Other kinds of cloaks are also set. Most of them cannot be requested, but they're still listed for convienience:

Removing your cloak

Just send the following to HostServ:

/MSG HostServ DROP

Or if you wish to just temporarily disable it:

/MSG HostServ OFF

And turn it on again with:

/MSG HostServ ON

Need help?

You may run the following:

/MSG HostServ HELP

Alternatively, we're available in the #support channel for any questions that may arise.