rx - how to register a nickname

Note: Atheme is currently disabled.

Hello, this is NickServ speaking. I have taken all your accounts. Refunds will be considered in the near future, after you re-do the registration process (not yet implemented). For reasons of why, please visit #funderscore-sucks.

Basic nickname registration services are now available. Please only register one nick for now, grouping will be implemented later. Message me `REGISTER` to register your current nick to your current TLS cert. TLS certs required. Passwords not implemented.

Ok, so basically Atheme crashed while restarting because we temporarily enabled GroupServ previously which left GFA and GDBV directives in the Atheme OpenSEX database that the newly-restarted Atheme with GroupServ unloaded couldn't understand. So Runxi was manually editing the Atheme database while funderscore ran atheme-dbverify... and atheme-dbverify was broken and the entire database went to /dev/null.

So: no more Atheme since it won't support InspIRCd v4 anyway.

Below is the old Atheme version

Registering a nickname on IRC means it is reserved for you to use, and no one else. It keeps others from using your nick, thus making you able to use it at all times. If you don't register your nick, others may end up using it. As such, some channels may require that you have registered it before chatting.


To register your nick, after choosing it, you can run the following command in your IRC client once connected:

/MSG NickServ REGISTER mypassword myemail@address.tld

Substitute mypassword with a secure password and myemail@address.tld with your email address. You will get sent a confirmation email; follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.

Logging in

After having registered your IRC nickname, you can log in manually:

/MSG NickServ IDENTIFY mypassword

This can be used to check if registration was successful. However, having to do this everytime you connect can quickly be annoying, which is why we recommend using either SASL PLAIN or SASL EXTERNAL to connect.


By default, NickServ allows you to reclaim your nickname (see /MSG NickServ HELP REGAIN and /MSG NickServ HELP GHOST). You may want it to prevent people from using it altogether:



The idea behind SASL PLAIN is that you, upon connection, authenticate with your username and password automatically before you're visible to the rest of the network. Setup varies according to the client, but many GUI clients typically have a setting option named `login method' or similar, and many TUI clients have commands you can use to modify your configuration and setup SASL. For example, to set it up in WeeChat:

/SET irc.server.rx.sasl_mechanism plain
/SET irc.server.rx.sasl_username mynickname
/SET irc.server.rx.sasl_password mypassword


Despite a bit harder to setup than SASL PLAIN, it lets you forget about usernames and passwords and instead connect using a TLS client certificate. Setting it up is out of scope here, as it's mainly used by IRC power users, but Libera.Chat has a very detailed guide on how to set it up.

Forgot your password?

If you forgot your password, you can ask NickServ to email a key that can be used to set a new password:

/MSG NickServ SENDPASS mynickname

Once you received the key, you can set a new password:

/MSG NickServ SETPASS mynickname mykey mypassword

Need help?

You may run the following:

/MSG NickServ HELP

Alternatively, we're available in the #support channel for any questions that may arise.